The Cardiology Update London

Cardiovascular Medicine. 2017;20(10):254

Publié le 18.10.2017

The Cardiology Update London, December 18th-19th, 2017

The first-ever Christmas Postgraduate Course in central London takes place in 2017.

Christmas time

Christmas is the time to sit back and review the past year, its highlights, memorable events, achievements and losses – and to enjoy shopping, family life and then to relax during a few quiet days. What is true for one’s personal life, is no less important in one’s professional life. Cardiology is a changing field, and every year cardiologists are faced with an immense amount of new information on prevention, diagnosis and management of cardiac conditions.
The challenge is to focus on the most important findings, discoveries that have changed our understanding of a disease, on new diagnostic tests that are really of value for everyday clinical practice or novel remedies and devices that truly help our patients.

The year in cardiology

The Cardiology Update London aims to address these unmet needs and provide a comprehensive review of the year in cardiology, after the main congresses at a time when it is worthwhile to reconsider what has been reported and published during the past twelve months. To that end, the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust Hospitals have assembled numerous key opinion leaders from their own institution and the rest of the United Kingdom, as well as from Europe at large and the United States, to review and discuss hot topics in cardiovascular medicine. Subjects will range from prevention to intervention, from valvular heart disease to heart failure, and from infarction to device therapies.
For further information see
Ruth Amstein

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