The Swiss-MIS Innovation Grant

Briefe / Mitteilungen
Schweiz Ärzteztg. 2020;101(10):332

Publiziert am 03.03.2020

The Swiss-MIS Innovation Grant

The Swiss-MIS (Swiss Minimally Invasive Surgery) awards a grant of CHF 5000 for an innovative clinical project taking advantage of a minimally invasive approach.
Requirements: Innovative clinical project capitalizing on a minimally invasive approach with a sound scientific approach. Swiss authors can submit work done abroad, non-Swiss authors must have performed their project in Switzerland.
Electronic submission (PDF or Word).
Language: English, French or German.
Reception deadline: April 30th, 2020.
Submission to: PD Dr. Nicolas C. Buchs, Scientific Officer Swiss-MIS, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, Département de chirurgie, Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4, 1205 Genève, nicolas.c.buchs[at]
For details on how to apply and for any further information, visit

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